Inventory Management

InfiPlex Integration for Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API)

by Infiplex May 5, 2022

InfiPlex Integration for Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API)

InfiPlex is integrated with Amazon SP-API


Amazon Sellers are required to update to the new Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) by the July 31, 2022 deadline. This is a required update for all Amazon Sellers using Third-party developers connecting with Amazon MWS Orders, Reports, and Merchant Fulfillment API's.

This is an important required update for any Amazon seller using third-party software. Many software developers will not be ready for this change, so it is important for Amazon sellers to make sure their order and inventory management will continue to work correctly.

InfiPlex Amazon SP-API Integration

InfiPlex is an AWS Technolgy Partner

Infiplex is excited to announce that the new InfiPlex Amazon SP-API integration is now available. The InfiPlex Application, which is also listed in the Amazon Seller Central Partner Network, includes all our previous functionality, including:

  • Orders

  • Shipping / Tracking confirmations

  • Inventory

  • FBA Multi-Channel Fulfillment

  • Amazon Shipping

  • Amazon Custom Product Information


View the InfiPlex OMS - SP-API App page on the Amazon Partner Network.

The Amazon Seller Central Partner Network is a one-stop-shop where the small and medium-sized businesses that sell in the Amazon store can easily discover quality applications to help them automate, manage and grow their business. Accessible from Seller Central, the Amazon Seller Central Partner Network features applications and service solutions created by Amazon, as well as solutions from external software or service partners, and covers a range of functionalities across the selling lifecycle.

What action is required for InfiPlex users?

InfiPlex will be contacting our clients directly with information on the upgarde process to the new Amazon SP-API integration. The connection process will require the Amazon Seller Central account owner to click a link from the new Amazon integration page in InfiPlex and then log into their Seller Central account. After logging in, the administrator will be asked to confirm that they want to give InfiPlex access to manage orders for their Amazon account. The new SP-API will be connected after the main administrator has confirmed and authorized InfiPlex as a Selling Partner.

What to do if your Amazon application no longer works?

Suppose you are using an old Amazon MWS application that has not or will not be converted by July 31, 2022. In that case, you can contact InfiPlex to quickly migrate your Amazon account to use the InfiPlex Inventory & Order Management System (OMS). New accounts can be connected and running in 1 - 2 business days. InfiPlex will help you get everything configured as part of our standard setup for the OMS.

Amazon Authorization Page:
Authorize InfiPlex as an Amazon Selling Partner